Film Industry: Assessment learner response
1) Type up your feedback in full (you don't need to write the mark and grade if you want to keep this confidential).
WWW- perfect question 2
EBI- Talk about the BBC and revise all the industry side of BBTL
2) Read the mark scheme for this assessment carefully. Write down the number of marks you achieved for the three questions: _/3; _/6; _/9. If you didn't achieve full marks in a question, write a bullet point on what you may have missed.
1/3, 6/6, 3/9
For the first question, I should have refereed to the BBFC and should have wrote something about:Responsible for advising on content of films released in UK, providing age ratings, being guided by public opinion on appropriate content in films etc.
For the second question I got maximum marks so there is nothing to add. However
For the last question, I should have learned more about the CSP. Things like:Promotion of Blinded By The Light at Sundance Film Festival, New Line Cinema pay $15m to distribute the film, Levantine Films, Bend It Like Beckham.
3) For Question 2 on the promotion of Blinded By The Light, use the mark scheme to identify at least one strategy used to promote the film that you didn't mention in your answer and why it was used. The key lesson from this question was to make specific reference to the CSP in your answer and ensure each explanation was different.
Possible strategies include:
- Social media: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube etc.
- Premieres - London, Luton and Asbury Park, New Jersey (attended by Bruce Springsteen).
- Director power of Gurinder Chadha and linking to success of Bend It Like Beckham
- Social media promotion inexpensive or free; creates word-of-mouth marketing; effective in reaching educated, digitally-literate younger audience.
- Gurinder Chadha’s previous success with Bend It Like Beckham – attracting existing fans of both.
- Premieres and director/star interviews generate media coverage from newspapers, magazines and online publications that generate interest and awareness of the film’s release.
4) Now look at Question 3 - focusing on Hesmondhalgh's point that making media products is a 'risky business'. Write three bullet points from the mark scheme that you could have added to your answer. Try and include a specific reference to the CSP where you can and ensure you understand the key contexts to Hesmondhalgh's quote. Additional reference to Hesmondhalgh's ideas would help here too - you may want to look back at our work on Hesmondhalgh and the Cultural Industries.
resulted in an all-night auction that saw New Line Cinema pay $15m to distribute the film.
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