Postmodernism in music video: Blog tasks

Media Magazine Theory Drop - Postmodernism

Create a new blog post called 'Postmodernism in music video: blog tasks'. Read ‘The Theory Drop: Postmodernism’ in MM66  (p26). You'll find our Media Magazine archive here - remember you'll need your Greenford Google login to access. Answer the following questions:

1) How does the article define postmodernism in the first page of the article?

Questioning traditional structures, representations and expectations and pushes things a step further.

2) What did media theorist and Semiotician Roland Barthes suggest in his essay 'The Death of the Author'?

Roland Barthes challenged tradition when he said that a writer’s opinions, intentions or interpretation of their own work are no more valid than anyone else’s.

3) What is metatextuality?

Metatextuality is where a text draws attention to the fact that it is a text. It points to the process of its own creation.

4) What is the repeated phrase on the cartoon on postmodernism on page 28?

"Postmodernism is a cultural movement that distrusts all established philosophies and frequently experiments with the medium it is presented in." 

5) How does postmodernism link to media representations and reality?

As the key postmodern thinker Jean Baudrillard put it; ‘the distinction between what is real and what is imagined is continually blurred and meaning is systematically eroded’."

Music video CSPs and postmodernism

Now apply postmodern ideas to our music video CSPs by answering the following questions:

1) How does the music video for Ghost Town incorporate elements of postmodernism?

Pastiche and Bricolage: merging of British film genres like  arthouse and hammer horror and social realism in order to create something new. The lighting, colour and camerawork create intertextual references to these film genres.

2) What film genres are alluded to in the music video for Ghost Town? Which scenes in particular created these links?

Horror, specifically hammer horror. This is mostly done through the use of low key lighting as well as lots of shadows.

3) How does Old Town Road use postmodern elements in its music video?

It  brings the old and the new together to make a new meaning. THis is with the use of country music and rap.

4) How does the Old Town Road music video reflect technological convergence and modern digital culture? 

It can be accesed throught a verity of divices. 

5) What do YOU think Lil Nas X was trying to say about reality and American culture in the music video for Old Town Road?

Don't think he really cared,he was in myopinion in it mostly for the money.


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